Friday, October 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday (on Friday): My Best Friend

I started this yesterday (hence, Throwback Thursday), but got too tired and my eyes hurt extremely bad (the joys of narcolepsy and a life on stimulants!)

Anyways, this weekend we are celebrating my best friend's bachelorette party and I can't wait! Since we are heading to Playa del Carmen for the wedding in just 3 weeks, we are staying in Dallas for her last fling.

For those that don't know, I met Cara at the end of my senior year when we both made the Texas Tech Pom Squad.  At that time, I was still very, very shy and Cara is very outgoing.  After our practice, she went back to her mom and told her she thought we would probably be best friends.  I went back and told my mom "I don't think I like that Cara girl very much!" (That's so mean - but she intimidated me!)  Thank goodness she was the one that was right.

Not only were we on the Pom Squad together (where we spent every day at an appearance, practice, or game) - we also lived together, went out together, and scheduled all the same classes together.  We were pretty much inseparable.  When I was little, I always prayed for a sister.  God answered my prayers in college.

To celebrate Cara, I've put together some of my favorite pictures from the past 9 years of our friendship.  Some are embarrassing (I went through a very awful phase of cutting my hair short), some make me smile so big, and some make me want to cry (because I wish we could go back and live some of those days all over again). Cara has been a part of most of my all-time favorite memories.   I am so honored to be her bridesmaid and I know standing by her side as she marries the man of her dreams will be included as a favorite life moment!

Love you Cara Tits!

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